Docs Site

Contributor Covenant

This repository contains the content for the ENTR docs site, which can be viewed at

If you have any questions or find items within these docs that would benefit from further clarification, please open an issue here or start a conversation with us on our Slack documentation channel. If you haven’t already joined the ENTR Slack workspace, you can sign up here.

ENTR adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating in the ENTR community, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report any unacceptable behavior to


To contribute to the ENTR docs, clone this repository, develop and build your changes locally (see below), and open a pull request targeting the main branch - these changes will be reviewed by the ENTR maintainers before being published.

Local Development Quickstart

To develop and build docs locally, first install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, (re)build the documentation:

make html

Finally, open the HTML that is built in ./_build/html/index.html with your web browser.

Overriding External Repo Branches

If you want to change the branches from which external files are retrieved, you can use any combination of the following options.

Note that these options are listed in order of precedence

Option 1: Specify during build

Specify environment variables in your make command to override defaults. For example:


Option 2: Specify during build

One more option is to copy the .env_example into a .env file (cp .env_example .env) and populate it with variables you’d like to override.

Option 3: Set default branch for all external

You can also optionally change all of the default branches used to their development branches by specifying the DEFAULT_GITBRANCH environment variable when building the docs. For example, the following would use the “dev” branches for all external repos except for dbt-entr:

Github Actions Publishing

This documentation is automatically built and served through Github Pages using the gh_pages branch. This is configured in .github/workflows/gh-pages-deploy.yml

View the documentation live at